Wednesday 26 October 2011

Sunday 25 September 2011


Well yesterday was quite an emotional day. Well actually not really that emotional for me, but probably for my sister and parents! My sister went off to the University of Northampton yesterday and is currently enjoying her freshers week (dirty stop out). She is studying Fashion Marketing and I guess she is looking forward to it! I will definitely miss her (she's going for 4 years (with a few breaks here and there)). 

Because we live in West Yorkshire we had to drive for about 3 hours down to the University in an over flowing car! I was literally squished up against the left side window with clothes and suitcases and teddy bears and food piled beside me! It took us about 5 hours to unpack everything and get her sorted out in the halls! She is in a flat with 6 other girls (not so good when they argue need some males to keep the peace).

Her room is considerably smaller than the one she had at home but she'll definitely get used to it! She's already made friends with her flat mates and is getting used to Uni life. But one good thing is that we can talk to her on Skype so we aren't completely out of the loop all of the time.

I will miss her I suppose but I hope she does really well at University and gets all her dreams! Good Luck Laura!!! 

Wednesday 21 September 2011

Skulduggery Pleasant

I discovered the series of books a few years ago now, when I came across the first book in WHSmiths. It looked incredibly interesting so I decided to give it a read. I never put it down!

Now, Derek Landy has written 7 sequels! If you don't know the story here is a quick over view:

There is an elementalist skeleton who can control air, water and fire. His name is Skulduggery Pleasant, he is a magical detective in the town of Dublin. He has an assistant called Stephanie Edgley who is learning to control the elements. The stories are based around these two people and the investigations that they get into. They have saved the world multiple times and have died a couple and miraculously come back to life!

Anyway, the most recent one came out at the beginning of September. I read it within a week. I am so addicted to these books! I know most of you might hate me for saying this but I prefer it to HARRY POTTER! I know, I am sorry. But it's true I think that it is a better fantasy book.

Anyway, you should all definitely try to read some of them! It is actually really amazing!

Tuesday 20 September 2011


enough said.
i'ma live there.

Atkins!? No thanks.

Holy Christ almighty, I'm guessing most of you have heard of the Atkins Diet. Oh my God, I heard about it but I have never actually looked into it and seen what you have to do to participate in this diet. I was so surprised.

I'm guessing the actual "guide" is free but they sell special food which I guess is the only way in which they gain income. So, I read the "Phases" and I was a little gob smacked. I know that some people are desperate to lose weight but seriously putting yourself through those rigorous eating plans. I could just not do it, especially with school you get up early and you don't even care what you eat for breakfast as long as it's food, and when you get back from school you can't even be bothered taking your dog out! (I still do because I'm an animal lover) 

I've always wanted to try it but no, I knew as soon as I saw that you had to keep your daily Net Carb's at 20g that it wouldn't be possible for me, especially when I need ALL of my energy for school.

I've just decided with my friend Hattie that we are going to eat half what we eat after I saw on This Morning that Italian chef which just cooked what he normally ate and halved it. He lost half of his body weight. So we are going to try that, and see what the results will be! I'll keep you up to date within my posts. 

Monday 19 September 2011

My Ginger Friend.

My Ginger Friend called Daniel has requested that I do a blog entry about him, so here goes.

His name is obviously Daniel. He is a ginger male, and he is in the year above me at school. I met him about a year ago and I only recently started getting close to him over the past 6 months, which has been very nice. We've been out partying a few times and getting intoxicated a couple of times and it's been a lot of fun. 

Basically he has asked me to do a blog entry about him and try to boost his moral. Even though it definitely doesn't need boosting! This sort of feels like one of those Facebook like things that people do "L1K3 D1S 4ND 1 W1LL G1V3 U 4 P4R4GR4PH" silly people.

I'm not going to write reams and reams about my friend Daniel, because I have many friends (trying not to sound modest) and if I write too much about him all of my other friends will want me to write something about them, so yes. Here it is.

He is a great person, he is bubbly and live, he is always laughing and joking around and I love him sense of humor. He is such a nice person to be around, if you feel down and he is around and talking to you then you wont feel upset or sad for very much longer as he is one of those people that just have a funny presence about them, whenever they are around they just make you smile and laugh and just giggle. It might be at them or with them (probably at him because he is Daniel) so basically Daniel, one of my many ginger friends is great. Is this good enough Daniel!?

Sunday 18 September 2011

Heeeeey it's Refetiiiii :) !
I went to work today - I work in our (mine and Will's) village shop from 8am till 1pm, and I love love love it! I get to meet like, ALL the locals, which is pretty cool. Will occasionally pops in too, which is..not so cool. NAH JK ITS AWESOME.
Aaaand I also tidied my room. But that's not cool. Well it is now it's finished but it's not really such a cool subject to go and blog about. smells like curry.

Deal or No Deal.

I've never avidly watched the program, but when I have the television on I do flick over to Deal or No Deal. It's always been a such a good game and has always been such an interesting game. I just don't get why they deal on such low offers such as £5,000. Yes, I know it is a lot of money, and most people aren't gamblers and it is the aim of the game and yes, I know, I haven't played it before! But it's just like one of those programs which make me scream at the TV! Just like the X-Factor.

Now I may seem like a cold hearted sod but it makes me laugh when they lose something like £100,000 and dealt at £5,000. I also smile and feel happy when they do win. But you know, it's Deal or No Deal.

This post was just a ramble, because well it is a Sunday and I have nothing to do. 

Thursday 15 September 2011


I know it's pretty late to be telling you all now but, it was my birthday on the 13th! 

Ye' 16th and all that, I wasn't too excited due to the fact that it fell on a school day (Tuesday) which was horrendous for us! (Timetable wise) But my wonderful friends pulled me through it :D

One of my friends made me a cake and brought it in a day early, so everyone thought that it was my birthday on Monday. They sang. I went red. So, yes, me born on the 13th, I worked out that my 18th birthday will fall on a Friday D: HOW HORRIBLE IS THAT!? I HAVE MY 18TH ON FRIDAY THE 13TH! AHHH!

I bet something goes terribly wrong. I can just imagine it right now. Just ye'. Awful.

Anyway! Just a quick update. How is everyone!?

Wednesday 14 September 2011

omgosh it's just the best online game EVER. :D
I'm HeartSnitch164 wooooo, I'm a Hufflepuff (SUPER WANTED TO BE A RAVENCLAW :( me no likey the sorting hat) aaaaand I have an alacia wand. BOOYA :D :D ! It's so aawwwesomeeeeee.
So me and Will went photographing today. And I'm going to let him upload some of the piccies we took.
Baiii. :) <3 !

Sunday 11 September 2011


Today, 10 years ago I hardly remember where I was. But I do remember watching the 9/11 attacks on my television. It was one of the most awful things that I watched, it was one of the most awful things anyone could do. All I can say is words. All anyone can say is words. The worst terrorist act can never be reversed, it happened. But we can remember, and never forget. It was a dark day. But let's celebrate their lives and remember them today. 



Today is supposed to be my "party" I say party but it's just a little picnic for my birthday. But, the silly remnants of this hurricane have made the weather awful! BUT, still we are going to have a good time. Because I have a backup plan. We are going to see Mr Popper's Penguins if the weather does not improve! Wooo!

It's my birthday on Tuesday so I thought it a good idea to have a little shin dig for it.

Thursday 8 September 2011

Year 11

Sorry for posting twice in like 10 minutes but I have to share this with you, because it dawned on me this morning. 

I was sat on the bus with Refeti sat next to me. So, I decided to count how long we had left of school. (Yes, it's like that already!) and because we have study leave in Year 11 for out GCSE exams we finish in MAY!! Which only means we have 8 months left at school, that's only just over half a year. I am so happy and so sad at the same time. It's been such a long journey and I know it's only the first week of school but I think this year will be the best year.

Also, next years school show will be auditioned for soon! Looking very much forward to it.


Right, so I'm sure you all know what Skype is? 

If you don't then here's a quick explanation of what it is in terms which you might understand. Skype is a program which you can download to your computer, you create a log in and you log in and add other people to your contacts such as family and friends. Then, you are able to video call them over the internet for absolutely free! It's brilliant, it's always kept me in contact with my dad when he is in China away working.

Now, recently me and my friends have grown fond of Skype and it's ability to allow us to have "conference" calls. It's great, everyone can join in. We just talk about everything! Last night I was in a conference call with about five of my friends, we were busy talking about this and that and by the time any of us had decided to look at how long the call had lasted it was already over 1 hour! It only felt like we'd been talking for 10 minutes. I know, this sounds pretty boring but really, I enjoy talking to my friends and socialising so it's such a great piece of ever growing technology.

What I did today, generally what I do most days... Go to school. Be at school. Come home from school. Go to sleep. 

No, my life is not that morbid and boring, I do get up to a lot at the weekends, which I suppose makes up for the lack of activity in the weekday evenings. 

Wednesday 7 September 2011

sorry I couldn't post. Didn't hear the last of it from our beloved Willlll. ;)
I'm gonna be quick cos I wanna go downstairs and watch F.R.I.E.N.D.S or The Simpsons, but before I do I'll let you guys know what I got. Ummmm a PANDORA off my incredible sister, with a floral charm and a peace sign charm (told you I'm a hippie) my mum ordered some converse that I designed myself (I'll take a picture for you guys when they arrive, so it's a surprise to what they'll look like) (okay they have cupcakes) aaaaand some other bits. LIKE A SUPER MARIO BROS POSTER. YES.

Tuesday 6 September 2011

Guiding around...

Well! Totally weird and pointless day today. What started it off was that I had to get up at 6:40am to get ready for school, when all my other year group had a lie-in, just because I have been chosen to guide the new year group around our high school. Along with Refeti (who's birthday is today woooo!) we arrived promptly at school ready to take them to their class. What we didn't know was that all they would be doing was sitting in what we call form for nearly the whole day! We had to sit with them too! I just sat there, listening to their teacher ramble on about how they expected to attend on time, be on time and all this about school punctuality. Anyway, finally it was break time and we got to leave them! I'm not saying they were little brats but a few of them could use toning down their attitude (I sound like an old man moaning about the "youth of today") which I'm sure they'll learn soon so it's all good. So, I've got to guide these children around for 2 weeks which I suppose might be difficult because I have obviously got my GCSE's to think about and all of this. It will be fine! So, I start my final year today and it's pretty daunting to be honest. I have to start thinking about what I want to do after high school. 

Pretty exciting!

Monday 5 September 2011

Oh so crazy weather.

Today is the last day of the holidays. Me and all of my friends, including Refeti were going to go into our local town and meet up for a nice chat and gossip before we go back to school tomorrow. But, the weather had different ideas. I'm not one for believing in God but he obviously disliked us today!

So today I've done nothing, other than introduce you all to REFETI! And add her to the authors on this blog. Refeti, is one of my bestest friends. We do a lot of funny stuff together, and a lot of funny stuff by ourselves! So personally I think this blog is going to be great! Anyway, just so you know. I'm changing my font colour and style to this. 



Hellooooo x) !
I'm Refeti, the latest writer for this amazing blog my real life friend Will created. Yeaaah we'd too cuwel.
So I'll be an admin too, so I'll be able to do all the crazy shiz Will does, and spice up yo' virtual lives. :)
I'll be writing mainly about us, and our lives, and if Will lets me, a little bit about me, what I like and what I do. And stuffff.
Goodbye for now, hope you hold up to get to know usss <3

Monday 29 August 2011

A new Author.

Hopefully, today I will be joined by my friend Meg, also known as Refeti to begin writing on this blog as well! She will be writing in the same format as me. About her life, trust me, it won't be a boring blog as we both do quite abnormal things even though we are teenagers, and we also love to share every single thing that we do! We are both extremely talkative and we love to comment back on comments... 

We're always happy to talk to ANYONE and we absolutely love everyone who follows and read the blog. So, I will be meeting with her today after her holidays and we will discuss the blog, and then we will sort out all the technical things to get her writing! So, everyone welcome Refeti!

Thursday 25 August 2011


Today was an eventful day! One thing I don't think I'm looking forward to is the actual day I get the whole, final grades of my GCSE's in Year 11.

Today was only a little exciting and nervous for me compared to everyone else in the year above because I got some of my modular GCSE's exam results back today, where as they got their whole grades and results back! Enough explaining lets get down to business:

Geography : A
Chemistry : A
Biology : A
Physics : A*!!!!! (I'm so glad as I had to resit this one)
English : B
Maths : B
RS : B!!!

I'm pleased with most of these results as I got the grade that I thought I would get and the grade that I wanted, but English and Maths was a little disappointing for me, as I am predicted A's and I got B's. But I can't dwell on the past and I'm just going to discuss it with my teachers when I'm back at school and decide the best course of action! 

Has anyone else had their GCSE's results back or do you remember when you got them back? Care to enlighten us?

Wednesday 24 August 2011


One thing that would be great for Blogger... 

Is an iPhone and Android app. It would make Blogging so much easier for me! I know you can email your blog updates but that's not as fun as going on an app and updating your blog is it?

That is all.


Starting my diet again today after a weeks holiday! Back onto all the healthy meals and little portions, I do want to lose weight because (my weight isn't necessarily unhealthy as I have Asthma clinic every year and they weight me etc but never say anything about it.) I just want to look better and feel great. I want to be able to fit into smaller sized clothes which would be normal for a person of my age! Anyway, I'll update you with all of the happenings. I just hope I can find some followers/readers to join me along this journey of transformation!

Tuesday 23 August 2011

Hide and Seek

Today has brought back many memories! After the picnic which we actually had because the rain held of! Clearly the weather people got it wrong (as usual) we went to the church yard in my village, there is a burnt down church remains with the new churn built next to it. It kind of shows off the history of the village I live in!

Anyway, the church yard is absolutely perfect for playing hide and seek or relivo! So we decided to have a few games and it was like looking back into my past when I finished primary school and went down to the church yard and used to play hide and seek. I always used to enjoy climbing through the stone window frames which were positioned above the base and just winning all the time!

So, seen as I've played many times there in my past I kind of knew all of the hiding places and for the first few games nobody could find me until people started to explore more.... I had a great day today. Have you guys done anything interesting today?


Well then, today I am going on a Picnic with all my friends in my village. This ought to be fun, especially when it was very nice weather yesterday and we decided not to do it then and now the weather is, well not bad but it could be a lot better than we wanted! But anyway we'll stick by our guns and have this picnic, which we strategically placed next to a Cafe if any adverse weather does occur!

Monday 22 August 2011

Returning to School.

Right so I've been off school on my summer holidays for the past 5 weeks. Soon, I will be returning (2 weeks on tuesday) and I will be one of the oldest students in the school by this time due to the fact that my birthday is on the 13th September. 

I was just trying to complete some Catering homework when my age actually caught up with me, I am in my last year of compulsory education, it dawned on me that I will be making life changing choices next year (whether I want to continue on to Post 16 Education) and in two years time (Uni). Because I have been thinking about asking my careers advisor whether it would be a good idea to continue on to Post 16 or Sixth Form and get my A-Levels etc, or try to apply for an apprenticeship at the BBC or somewhere which would interest me. But I'm trying to decide whether I want to try for an apprenticeship now, or in two years time when I have the choice to go to University or try to get a job. It's a difficult decision and I really need to think about it this year because it might be the decision that completely changes my life. Especially when jobs are needing degree's and high level qualifications more and more nowadays. 

Hello! I am Will

Hello, my name is William. I am a 15 year old boy, and I want to start blogging!

Basically what my blog is going to be about isn't MY life it's everyone's. Yes, I'm going to be talking about the things that I encounter along my life, but when I start to interact and communicate with other bloggers I am going to pick some people who I would ask if I can use them for an example on my blog. 

I think that Blogging is one of the most interesting things that you could do! Social Networking  may be all the rage at the moment but I think that Blogs are super, I love them. For a teenager like me going through my GCSE's I think it's a great way to express your feelings to an audience who cares, and it may even be a way to relieve stress from time to time. Now, I'm not saying that I'm going to be blogging every single day, and I don't know if that's a good thing to do or not because I'm new to this. But I am going to try my very best to blog at least 3 times a week with an update of either my life or with something that I really want to say! Also, as I've told you I'm a teenager so my spelling and grammar might be a little off, but hey! Nobody is perfect right? I'm an English student and I really do enjoy my schooling, I socialise a lot with my friends and I would love to socialise with the blogging community and learn how to get really good at blogging! So, if any of you see this, comment or get in touch and give me tips, I'm open for learning!!!!!