Tuesday 20 September 2011

Atkins!? No thanks.

Holy Christ almighty, I'm guessing most of you have heard of the Atkins Diet. Oh my God, I heard about it but I have never actually looked into it and seen what you have to do to participate in this diet. I was so surprised.

I'm guessing the actual "guide" is free but they sell special food which I guess is the only way in which they gain income. So, I read the "Phases" and I was a little gob smacked. I know that some people are desperate to lose weight but seriously putting yourself through those rigorous eating plans. I could just not do it, especially with school you get up early and you don't even care what you eat for breakfast as long as it's food, and when you get back from school you can't even be bothered taking your dog out! (I still do because I'm an animal lover) 

I've always wanted to try it but no, I knew as soon as I saw that you had to keep your daily Net Carb's at 20g that it wouldn't be possible for me, especially when I need ALL of my energy for school.

I've just decided with my friend Hattie that we are going to eat half what we eat after I saw on This Morning that Italian chef which just cooked what he normally ate and halved it. He lost half of his body weight. So we are going to try that, and see what the results will be! I'll keep you up to date within my posts. 

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