Wednesday 26 October 2011

Sunday 25 September 2011


Well yesterday was quite an emotional day. Well actually not really that emotional for me, but probably for my sister and parents! My sister went off to the University of Northampton yesterday and is currently enjoying her freshers week (dirty stop out). She is studying Fashion Marketing and I guess she is looking forward to it! I will definitely miss her (she's going for 4 years (with a few breaks here and there)). 

Because we live in West Yorkshire we had to drive for about 3 hours down to the University in an over flowing car! I was literally squished up against the left side window with clothes and suitcases and teddy bears and food piled beside me! It took us about 5 hours to unpack everything and get her sorted out in the halls! She is in a flat with 6 other girls (not so good when they argue need some males to keep the peace).

Her room is considerably smaller than the one she had at home but she'll definitely get used to it! She's already made friends with her flat mates and is getting used to Uni life. But one good thing is that we can talk to her on Skype so we aren't completely out of the loop all of the time.

I will miss her I suppose but I hope she does really well at University and gets all her dreams! Good Luck Laura!!! 

Wednesday 21 September 2011

Skulduggery Pleasant

I discovered the series of books a few years ago now, when I came across the first book in WHSmiths. It looked incredibly interesting so I decided to give it a read. I never put it down!

Now, Derek Landy has written 7 sequels! If you don't know the story here is a quick over view:

There is an elementalist skeleton who can control air, water and fire. His name is Skulduggery Pleasant, he is a magical detective in the town of Dublin. He has an assistant called Stephanie Edgley who is learning to control the elements. The stories are based around these two people and the investigations that they get into. They have saved the world multiple times and have died a couple and miraculously come back to life!

Anyway, the most recent one came out at the beginning of September. I read it within a week. I am so addicted to these books! I know most of you might hate me for saying this but I prefer it to HARRY POTTER! I know, I am sorry. But it's true I think that it is a better fantasy book.

Anyway, you should all definitely try to read some of them! It is actually really amazing!

Tuesday 20 September 2011


enough said.
i'ma live there.

Atkins!? No thanks.

Holy Christ almighty, I'm guessing most of you have heard of the Atkins Diet. Oh my God, I heard about it but I have never actually looked into it and seen what you have to do to participate in this diet. I was so surprised.

I'm guessing the actual "guide" is free but they sell special food which I guess is the only way in which they gain income. So, I read the "Phases" and I was a little gob smacked. I know that some people are desperate to lose weight but seriously putting yourself through those rigorous eating plans. I could just not do it, especially with school you get up early and you don't even care what you eat for breakfast as long as it's food, and when you get back from school you can't even be bothered taking your dog out! (I still do because I'm an animal lover) 

I've always wanted to try it but no, I knew as soon as I saw that you had to keep your daily Net Carb's at 20g that it wouldn't be possible for me, especially when I need ALL of my energy for school.

I've just decided with my friend Hattie that we are going to eat half what we eat after I saw on This Morning that Italian chef which just cooked what he normally ate and halved it. He lost half of his body weight. So we are going to try that, and see what the results will be! I'll keep you up to date within my posts. 

Monday 19 September 2011

My Ginger Friend.

My Ginger Friend called Daniel has requested that I do a blog entry about him, so here goes.

His name is obviously Daniel. He is a ginger male, and he is in the year above me at school. I met him about a year ago and I only recently started getting close to him over the past 6 months, which has been very nice. We've been out partying a few times and getting intoxicated a couple of times and it's been a lot of fun. 

Basically he has asked me to do a blog entry about him and try to boost his moral. Even though it definitely doesn't need boosting! This sort of feels like one of those Facebook like things that people do "L1K3 D1S 4ND 1 W1LL G1V3 U 4 P4R4GR4PH" silly people.

I'm not going to write reams and reams about my friend Daniel, because I have many friends (trying not to sound modest) and if I write too much about him all of my other friends will want me to write something about them, so yes. Here it is.

He is a great person, he is bubbly and live, he is always laughing and joking around and I love him sense of humor. He is such a nice person to be around, if you feel down and he is around and talking to you then you wont feel upset or sad for very much longer as he is one of those people that just have a funny presence about them, whenever they are around they just make you smile and laugh and just giggle. It might be at them or with them (probably at him because he is Daniel) so basically Daniel, one of my many ginger friends is great. Is this good enough Daniel!?